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Information available for providers

As a physician, you play a unique and important role in the lives of your patients. Your commitment to delivering quality patient care with compassion drives positive health outcomes for those with physical and/or behavioral health concerns.

To help you service your patients through the Optum Behavioral Health Network or Optum Emotional Wellbeing Solutions, we offer a variety of resources on our Provider Express website. Access this site to learn more about how you can coordinate with Optum to help your patients achieve better overall outcomes for their physical needs, behavioral challenges, or both.

See our:

Clinical Tools and Quality Initiatives:

  • Condition-specific screening tools for substance use disorders, major depression and more

Guidelines/Policies & Manuals to access:

  • Best Practice Guidelines
  • Coverage Determination Guidelines
  • Level of Care Guidelines

Opioid Outreach Program Resources:

For Providers

For Your Patients

Start today. We’ll help

The relationship between physical and behavioral health is as complex as the range of specialties dealing with each one. Now, our Behavioral Health Toolkit and Care Advocates simplify it, so you can match patients with the right behavioral health professional.

Your patients who are members and who need behavioral health assistance, may call 855-Here4TN (855-437-3486) to access services (the number on the back of their member ID card).

If you would like to assist with patient referrals, visit the Here4TN search page to search for in-network behavioral health clinicians.

This program should not be used for emergency or urgent care needs. In an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. This program is not a substitute for a doctor’s or professional’s care. Due to the potential for a conflict of interest, legal consultation will not be provided on issues that may involve legal action against Optum or its affiliates, or any entity through which the caller is receiving these services directly or indirectly (e.g., employer or health plan). This program and its components may not be available in all states or for all group sizes and is subject to change. Coverage exclusions and limitations may apply.